In this Moment

woman meditating

In this moment is the only place you can possibly live.

Thinking about the past puts you in a mental state of something you have already experienced. When you live or remain there and the experience has been negative, you create anxiety and live-in chaos. Your body continues to feel the stress of that period in time.

Living in the past and holding onto your regrets, stops you from seeing what’s right in front of you. When you remain in the past and continue to look into the future, you become overwhelmed. You may see the possibilities and yet you just can’t let go of a false belief from the past.

Overwhelmed happens when you bring forward events or experiences from the past. Recreating these experiences puts your mind and body into a mental and physical state of unease and judgement. You cannot possibly go back there, nor are you back there.

What are you really holding onto? Pause and take time right now to truly feel it.

Ask yourself; What can I deal with right now? Take this time to pause and answer that question.

You can only live in the here and now and deal with what’s right in front of you.


Living in the moment brings peace. This is a place where you experience ‘aha’ moments, awareness and awakenings.


The moment is right here and right now. Observe your environment, are you sitting or standing? Look what’s around, hear the sounds and become aware of your body’s reactions. 

The process of mediation and movement gets you out of head, into your body and into presence. This is where you ground yourself and find your centre.

Connect to the feeling, in your mind and in your body. Do you feel more relaxed? Have you found your centre?

Take this feeling with you as you move on with your day. Remember this feeling when you become anxious or concerned. 

Use a word or a phrase that will create awareness and connect you to this ‘moment’:

  • I am present -

  • I’m okay

  • Pause

  • Observe

  • Be still

For this is when you will understand the ‘why’ of this moment. You will gain the knowledge to move forward once again.




Awareness of Breath