
Only when we first help ourselves can we effectively help others. Caring for yourself is one of the most important (and the most often forgotten) things you can do for yourself. When your needs are taken care of, you then have the capacity to take care of others.

How do we take care of ourselves?

Dr. Deepok Chopra talks about Well-Being and the 5 Pillars. I have included a few more self-care steps.

Sleep – Good sleep is the most efficient way to improve health. It removes toxins and creates order from chaos.

Meditation and Stress Management – Meditation is taking time to ground and centre yourself. To set intentions. To be at peace within the moments of the meditative energy. Dr. Deepok Chopra says, “The number one epidemic of our time is physical and emotional illness. All diseases are stress-related.” Journaling and time alone.

Movement – I incorporate several different types of movement into my life.

  • Walking for me releases energy, so my mind can process situations in a more relaxed and understandable manner. If I am unable to walk outside or in nature due to the weather, I walk on my treadmill or even around my kitchen.

  • Yoga is the time for me to find my centre and connect with the Divine. The movement also releases energy and helps you align with your inner self. It gives me peace and helps maintain physical well-being.

  • Swimming offers our bodies buoyancy. It is a movement that keeps the body safe from injury and, at the same time, tones your muscles — increasing lung capacity and well-being. Water is matter that you release energy into, and it offers healing back to you. I usually swim first thing in the morning; this is the time when I solve problems and come up with positive solutions for the day.

  • Stretching helps maintain a healthy back. I do a series of abdominal exercises and stretches before I get out of bed each morning.

Emotional Self-care – Loving myself permits me to love others. Acknowledge when words trigger me and speak about them. Talk about them, write about, understand them. Be aware of my environment and how it affects me. It could be traffic, noise, people, smells, etc. What are all these telling me? Through the MindBody Connection, I become aware of the sensations within my body, understand the relation to emotions and experience the release of physical dis-ease. Incorporate forgiveness of yourself and others. Show compassion for yourself and others.

Nutrition According to Dr. Hu of Harvard Medical School, consuming too much added sugar could raise blood pressure and increase chronic inflammation, both of which are pathological pathways to heart disease. I love to bake and have created several receipts that have replaced refined sugar with monk fruit sugar. Monk fruit sugar does not increase inflammation in the body or glucose in the blood. In addition to adding multi-grain flour and for those with nut allergies, I use seeds. I also use carob as a replacement for chocolate. Carob is a good source of calcium and is an antioxidant. For me, baking is creating something I can enjoy and yet have healthy choices. Dr. Deepok Chopra recommends avoiding anything that is manufactured, processed or refined, high in sugar, GMO’S, petroleum products, pesticides. Eat as much colour as possible.

Social Self-care – Spending time with those I love to be with. Those I have conversations with that stimulate the mind. Meeting new people and learning from them. I love food, having dinners at home with family and friends or going out. Walking with a friend. Playing cards and games with family and friends. Travel to discover new places or visiting family. Positive social media. Ask for help.

Leisure – Reading a good book. Watching a good TV series. Always remember to limit this activity to one hour. Gardening, getting out in nature. Shovelling snow – that could be fun, right? Before gardening or shovelling, it is essential to stretch before and after.

Awareness – of my body, my environment. The surface I am walking on, the people around me. The food I eat. Awareness of my thoughts and my words. Awareness of other people’s words. Awareness of my breath. Awareness of my intentions and actions.

“Self-care is premier to living a healthy life. It helps maintain a solid foundation that enables us to be the best we can be in all things.

- Maureen Gaetz-Faubert

Maureen Gaetz-Faubert

Maureen is an internationally Certified and Licensed Heal Your Life® Coach and Workshop Teacher passionate about healing from dis-ease. Her healing journey began when she was diagnosed with a rare disorder. Maureen founded and created a one of a kind charitable organization and non-profit provincial society that grew to a national level. Maureen received Women of Distinction from the YWCA for the Lethbridge area for the programs and services she created and offered to the Canadian health sector on Rare Disorders. She also received Citizen of Year in Coaldale, Alberta, where the head office for the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders was located until 2007.

The Mirror

