The Mirror

What’s the purpose of a mirror?

Is it to comb our hair? Is it to put on makeup? Is it to reflect light in a room? What do you use a mirror for?

Louise Hay believes that Mirror Work is very important.

The mirror reflects back to you the feelings you have about yourself. It clearly shows you what thoughts you will need to change if you want to have a joyous, fulfilling life.
— Louise Hay

Mirror Work is when we look into a mirror and truly see ourselves. Look deep into those eyes, and you will see your soul. What is your soul saying to you?

The mirror reflects the beautiful things within us, and lessons still to be learned. Mirrors can trigger anger, fear, judgments, curiosity, etc.

Mirrors are seen in other people.  Everyone is a mirror of ourselves. We see the mirror of ourselves in others through their words, behaviours and choices.

There are times we don’t like what we see or what we hear, and other times we love what we hear and what we see. These likes and dislikes are a direct reflection of ourselves. Those things we don’t like in others tells us it’s time to look deep inside and make changes to our words, our thoughts, our behaviours and our choices. Those things we like in others is a time for celebration and gratitude.

When we become comfortable with what we see in the mirror, we have crossed a barrier and have found the path to healing our hearts. You will experience forgiveness, learning to love yourself, gratitude and much much more.

Have fun in the mirror. As you walk by, stop wink or even smile at yourself. You will appreciate the feelings of happiness and acknowledgment. Louise Hay suggests doing Mirror Work every day and telling yourself, “I Love You!” If at first, this seems difficult, just keep saying “I Love You” in the mirror each day, it and will get easier and even enjoyable.

As 2019 comes to an end and you see your reflection in the mirror -What do you see? Are you looking back or forward? The only reflection a mirror gives is in the present tense. It’s a reminder that we live in the here and now. The past is gone and only a memory. The future is unknown, and we will only experience it in the presence. Don’t’ get caught in the what-ifs or the maybe’s or what might happen. It does our soul good to remain in the here and now. Staying in the moment and remaining grounded, reduces anxiety and gives you peace of mind.

Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become what you respect, mirror what you admire.
— Unknown
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Maureen Gaetz-Faubert

Maureen is an internationally Certified and Licensed Heal Your Life® Coach and Workshop Teacher passionate about healing from dis-ease. Her healing journey began when she was diagnosed with a rare disorder. Maureen founded and created a one of a kind charitable organization and non-profit provincial society that grew to a national level. Maureen received Women of Distinction from the YWCA for the Lethbridge area for the programs and services she created and offered to the Canadian health sector on Rare Disorders. She also received Citizen of Year in Coaldale, Alberta, where the head office for the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders was located until 2007.

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