Understanding Emotional Healing 


What It Is?

Emotional healing is connecting to, understanding, and addressing emotional wounds, trauma, or distress to promote mental and emotional well-being.

It is Self-awareness:

Emotional healing begins with recognizing and understanding your emotions. Connecting to unresolved issues that you may not have let go of. Including traumas, or negative patterns of thinking and behaviour. Self-awareness is crucial in identifying the source of emotional pain.

Why It Matters?

Holding emotions in your body can have both short-term and long-term effects on your physical and mental well-being.

Emotions and their impact on the body

When you do not effectively process emotions, your body feels it and expresses it through pain, sensation, and dis-ease.

Muscle Tension:

Emotions like stress, anger, and anxiety can lead to muscle tension. These emotions are held in the shoulders, neck, back and sometimes in the arms and legs. Muscle tension can cause discomfort and even lead to chronic pain over time. When holding emotions in your jaw can cause Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ). Through the clenching of your jaw, causing neck and shoulder pain.


Physical Symptoms:

Unresolved emotions can manifest as physical symptoms. Such as headaches, gastrointestinal issues, achiness, and fatigue and many more. Doctors may attempt to find a diagnoses. Sometimes they call it Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or simply call it psychosomatic symptoms. This is where emotional distress is expressed through physical ailments.

Weakened Immune System:

Prolonged stress and negative emotions can weaken your immune system. When you don’t release these emotions, it can make you more susceptible to illness and reducing your body’s ability to heal.

Cardiovascular Effects:

Chronic stress and negative emotions can contribute to high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and elevated risk of heart disease. Have you heard of someone dying from a broken heart? It’s a diagnosable condition, where someone dies from heart failure, or intense sadness, when someone close to them has passed away.




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