Obstacles - Or are they Opportunities?

How do you navigate new things? Learn new technology. Connect and chat to new people. Walk into new situations. Overcome fear and trepidation.

What’s the process? How do you prepare?

Change old beliefs. Find your confidence. Do mirror work? Stop and ask; what’s the purpose, what do I have to learn here and now?

How do you go from scared to confident and proficient? By just getting out of your way and diving right in, or jumping off that cliff, so to speak.

Holding on so strong to a passion and a dream, you have an unconditional belief that you will find a soft and safe place to land. The journey down or across or up may be a bumpy one. It will be filled with many learning opportunities.

How do your dreams come true?

  1. You have thought.

  2. You live in the thought for a time and visualize the outcomes.

  3. You speak the thought.

  4. It becomes a reality.

Yes, it’s that easy! It happens all the time, and you may not even be aware of it. You begin to live from your heart. Your body, mind and soul start to experience the feelings of joy and elation. You find a place of peace and contentment.

This is where the fun begins. When you have jumped in with both hands and feet. Where you start to discover that your thoughts create the most beautiful and exciting outcomes. You have a chance to feel, see and live in success. There are opportunities to celebrate outcomes you may have planned and those that were not unplanned. The unexpected outcomes are the best!

When you are open and allow the universe to bring us you what you most desire; it provides a place and time where miracles happen. The unexpected and most wonderous events occur in this energy of awareness and acceptance. You have aha moments and intense feelings of accomplishment.

In this reality, you are creating different ways to think, speak, live, learn and observe. When forging towards our goal(s) with such injera, nothing can stop us. you. Those lessons along the way may even cause you to pause for a moment, or a day and will make you so much wiser and so much stronger.

When those obstacles appear in your life, take them on, embrace the learning for when you do, you begin to change and transform.

That hill, which looked so steep and intimating, has become a beautiful field with so much more to discover. A place to connect to your inner child. Looking at the world with awe and the expectation of things to come. Ready once again to take on the next challenge and create something new. For you have arrived.

“Take off those blinders,

For there is much more than what you see,

open your mind to the impossible,

for that is when grown is experienced,

let your soul sore,

for that is where you will find your true self.”

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Maureen Gaetz-Faubert

Maureen is an internationally Certified and Licensed Heal Your Life® Coach and Workshop Teacher passionate about healing from dis-ease. Her healing journey began when she was diagnosed with a rare disorder. Maureen founded and created a one of a kind charitable organization and non-profit provincial society that grew to a national level. Maureen received Women of Distinction from the YWCA for the Lethbridge area for the programs and services she created and offered to the Canadian health sector on Rare Disorders. She also received Citizen of Year in Coaldale, Alberta, where the head office for the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders was located until 2007.




Fear and Anxiety