
How do you create gratitude in your life?

It’s a matter of changing how you look at your world, at what you have and the appreciation of beauty all around you.

Gratitude awakens your appreciation for all things. It awakens your mind, body and soul. You become aware of things you hadn’t noticed before.

Once you have gratitude for even the smallest things in life, you start attracting more. More of what you want, more love, more happiness, more health, etc.

Gratitude changed my marriage. As I started to appreciate the man I had married, I started to see him in a different way. I started seeing all the good things about him, instead of the negative things. Our marriage became stronger and I started to love him more. I now appreciate him more each day and let him know how I appreciate what he does for me.


This was the beginning to opening my eyes to other possibilities of gratitude. I appreciated my mom for the first time in life. This happened two weeks before her passing. Where I thanked for how she raised me, brought me to church and that she was a good mom. This appreciation for my mom continues for years after her passing. It became clearer to me each day what she did for me and our home as a child. I began to realize that she had done the best she could.

When you have gratitude, our energy changes and we start seeing things differently. You begin to appreciate all that you have and all that you are. What you love is present more in your life. When you say thank you, you receive more of what you are thankful for. Acknowledging what you have brings more of what you want and desire.

Gratitude helps you feel more positive emotions, experience more compassion and kindness, improves your health, sleep better, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. People who regularly practice gratitude have stronger immune systems.

Writing and/or saying gratitude statements every day, will create happiness and you will experience blissful, hopeful feelings. You will become satisfied with what you have right now and have the wonderful surprise in bringing more of what you have and love into your life. Writing gratitude statements of what you don’t have right now will make them a reality.


What do gratitude statements look like?

  • I am grateful for my health.

  • I am grateful for a good night’s sleep.

  • I am grateful for my partner.

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Age; It’s only a number!