
Take a moment to count your blessings with me.


I feel so blessed to:

  • Have had the opportunity to co-parent our children and to have watched them grow into adults who are resilient, independent and heart-centred.

  • Have experienced all I have.

  • Have learned how to stand up for me with love and conviction.

  • Live my truth and be brave enough to speak it.

  • Know I will be taking more knowledge with me than I have left behind.

  • Know what I experienced in life has all been lessons well learned.

  • Realize the generation I leave behind will be healthier, happier, and much more successful in their lives than I was. This means they have a better understanding of themselves and the world at a much younger age than I did.

  • No longer be asking ‘why am I experiencing this?’

  • Continue to learn the many lessons from the physical and emotional pain I experienced and endured. For in this I have gained so much.

I feel blessed to know I have:

  • Changed the landscape of rare disorders.

  • Truly learned to unconditionally love me. Which showed me how to unconditionally love others. To learn how to become curious by hearing the word and observing the actions of others without judgement.

  • Learned how to listen from my heart.

  • Asked questions to learn more and gain an understanding.

  • Learned how to walk my talk.

  • Taken accountability whenever the universe showed me how to.

  • Taken responsibility for my actions and my words.

  • Shared my gift of insight with the world. To become a true #changemaker.


I am grateful for all the people who have crossed my path. You have taught me so much.

I have lived long enough to see wrinkles, age spots and saggy skin. For this I am grateful. I have lived on this earth for 6 decades.

I had unconditional freedom as a child and as an adult to pursue my dream of making the world a better place for those who are affected by illnesses, physically and emotionally.

For this freedom, I thank my dad and all those who fought in WWI! so, that we can live in a free country. They gave up their lives physically and emotionally so generations after them could experience the freedom they fought for.

I may not have experienced the violence of war. I did live in the trauma of a WWII vet, and with a mom who experienced physical and emotional trauma. They both did not know how to understand and connect to their Emotional Intelligence. As a result, I experienced a lifetime of emotional trauma, that was manifested through physical dis-eases and conditions.

Only later in life did I truly recognize where these dis-eases came from. I began to understand the path I must follow to overcome when I was half a century old. It was a true awakening.

It is my hope you understand and learn your ‘whys’ before you experience physical and emotional pain. That you overcome before you are 50, 40, 30, 20, 10.

My wish for you is to truly experience the amazing possibilities of a healthy, heart-centred life, from the moment you are born.

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Maureen Gaetz-Faubert

Maureen is an internationally Certified and Licensed Heal Your Life® Coach and Workshop Teacher passionate about healing from dis-ease. Her healing journey began when she was diagnosed with a rare disorder. Maureen founded and created a one of a kind charitable organization and non-profit provincial society that grew to a national level. Maureen received Women of Distinction from the YWCA for the Lethbridge area for the programs and services she created and offered to the Canadian health sector on Rare Disorders. She also received Citizen of Year in Coaldale, Alberta, where the head office for the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders was located until 2007.



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